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by Michele L. Mueller on 02/15/13

We can dress up just about anything and make it look better than it was (except our neighbor, we can't seem to do much with him no matter how hard we try - kidding!)

Let's face it...we've all been there...that old hand-me-down dresser from our parents when we first moved out on our own - heck...mine is still in storage collecting dust (and who knows what else!). It's been my intention to get rid of the old piece of...dresser...but something kept telling me, "Michele. This is a gem. KEEP IT." That voice gets the best of me everytime - trust me...ask my husband...he's not impressed with that voice. Although, he has accepted that it's here to stay.

After speaking recently to a new friend who also has a "thing" for old dressers, I decided it was time to post this little idea. Perhaps you will find some inspiration in it as I'm sure Stacie will.

To read more about how to turn your old dresser into a new treasure click here:


by Michele L. Mueller on 02/15/13

Lincoln Home The Lincoln Home. Notice the 6-paned, double hung windows? I would love to get my hands on those ORIGINALS...which I'm sure can't STILL be in the house, can they?! To learn more and see more pictures of the home click here:  Happy President's Day!



by Michele L. Mueller on 02/15/13

Here's a picture of a noteable statue that befits the upcoming "President's Day"! Did you know that Mount Rushmore didn't have a name until New York City attorney, Charles E. Rushmore asked what Robinson would name the MASSIVE piece and...he answered...I guess Rushmore! Huh...maybe we should start asking a few more questions - who knows WHAT will be named after us!  Let's keep it positive, folks!


by Michele L. Mueller on 02/14/13

Hanging Light Bulb Vases I love this idea...up-cycling used lightbulbs into a vases. I can see these hung outside from a big tree.. from the branches by that old garden bench. Or, they could be hung underneath a patio canopy, trellis or even from the ceiling of that big ol' porch (I loooove big ol' porches!).  You would have to be sure to take them down, or bring them inside, if you notice the wind kicking up...Lord knows that none of us need more lightbulbs to change!  Speaking of inside...why not hang them inside, too? I can see these in front of a window with different food colors in the water or...why not forego the flowers completely and hang them in the bedroom, or over the bath, with floating candles...ahhhh...the romance! The possibilities are endless! Here's the idea now...take it an run with it, people!

Here's the link with instructions on this BRIGHT idea. ;)

WELCOME 2013...

by Michele L. Mueller on 01/06/13

Okay...I remember when I was a kid and I would calculate in my head just how OLD I would be in the year TWO THOUSAND. HA. Guess my young brain couldn't imagine me much beyond that at the time! Now, it's 2013 and I'm still here...I'm not that MY book (which I rewrite with every birthday!). No walker, no wheelchair, no glasses (although I can feel my eye sight starting to change and NOT for the better!) and still have half a brain to assist me through each day. My patience do wear thin sometimes, but overall life is good and my health is holding it's own - fingers crossed for continued good luck. I wish you all the best of health and happiness in this new year, too. :)

Time to log off the computer, my eyes are getting blurry. ;-)



by Michele L. Mueller on 09/03/12

Matthew starts school in 2 days and I'm having "separation anxiety" for SURE. wahhh... (get it together, Michele; get it together.)


by Michele L. Mueller on 08/10/12

It feels like I haven't painted in awhile - probably because I haven't. It's summertime and that means we are outside everyday, all day. I'm to the point that I jump for joy when it's cloudy and raining just so I can stay inside, without feeling guilty, and get my household chores done (and of course, some painting)! But, a few cool days and night and now I'm longing for fall - with the exception of our little boy going off to school for the first time - waaahhh.

So, with my husband being home today I was able to complete an order and begin another one. I've been painting for the last few days and once I start again I immediately remember WHY I paint.  Not to mention, one order is a little something different for me, I've thought of it before but never did one, and now...once I have THIS one under my belt I plan to add this option on my website. So...keep your eyes open for an additional page here probably within the next month or two. :)

Just a quick "Thank You!" to all those who send me messages regarding reading my Panes of Art Blog. It touches my heart to know that you care enough to make your way through my typos and rambling ideas and thoughts. :) 

If you haven't visited my Panes of Art Facebook Page, please do. If you "Like" the page then we can communicate with one another and you can stay up-to-date with my day to day goings on. I love hearing from people how they work creative projects into their days, their families, and in to their lives...period. :)

Hope all is well with everyone and remember...keep your eyes peeled for new and exciting options here soon! :)

Hugs, Michele




by Michele L. Mueller on 05/27/12

Look, here's a simple precationary tip...if you're interested in buying an old window, with or without art, no matter what project you might plan to use it for, from me, an antique store or craft/art show...if you see old's probably lead paint. Of course, the weathered and worn look is all the rage but if it's old and chipping please be careful. Don't be afraid to question the seller! If you have children (or people who visit that have children) you certainly don't want an old lead paint chipping window hanging in your home!

All my old window frames, unless I choose to leave them with a natural finish (i.e. NO PAINT), rec'v multiple layers that encapsulates any old paint. My signature frame finish helps to maintain that old and antiqued feel while remaining perfectly safe and acceptable to display anywhere in your home. Bottom line: if you see old chipping paint and/or multiple layers of old paint and someone's boosting how old the window is...question the seller if it's safe your gut instinct. If they seem unaware or avoid answering your questions, TAKE NOTE.

You might do a little research beforehand on what to do with old chipping lead paint window frame before you go off to find that treasure. Or...get the treasure (if you just can't walk away!) THEN do the research. I would recommend keeping the piece in the garage until you can determine your next step.

Be creative but be safe. :) 


by Michele L. Mueller on 05/16/12

I've often thought how neat it would be to be "sensitive" or to be able to read spiritual energy. Then, I could put my hand on an old window and "read" the story of the lives around the window. Pictures would flash in my mind like scenes from a movie about the people who lived and peered through each window. I could relay the history to others and keep the stories of times gone by alive. However, not every story is a happy one. It's possible that not all people who peered through each window was a good person with a happy life. As sad as it is to consider, maybe there was abuse, death, financial troubles, or a number of other negative situations that a person was dealing with as they stood in front of those old glass panes looking out. Maybe the old wood frame still holds that negative energy.

Taking that into consideration, do I want to bring that negative energy into my home and try to create something positive with it? Do I want to send this window to you to be displayed in your home? I answer both questions with a big... "NO". I want to first cleanse any negative energy and I do this by the burning of sage.

"The burning of sage and other herbs has been used by many cultures and spiritual groups for spiritual, physical and emotional purification dating back thousands of years. Sage (Salvia) comes from the Latin word Salvare which means, to heal.



Smudging is a term used to describe the process whereby herbs are burnt and wafted around a person, object,  or anything that has attracted energy, to negate it. In most cases the energy has a negative impact on the person or property affected and smudging neutralizes this energy, allowing everything positive to just easily BE. 

Basically, the theory behind smudging is that the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space to be regenerated.

IMPORTANT NOTE: placing smoldering sage in a "burning bowl" is recommended so you don’t drop hot ashes on anything! You must be VERY careful not to start anything on fire! Trust me, accidently burning down your house down is not going to be positive in ANY way!

A candle flame is recommended to light the smudge stick as it may take a little time to get the stick smoking (I actually use a propane wand). Once there's a flame blow it out so that the smudge stick is smoldering, not burning. Blow or wave the flame with your hand to put out the fire. Allow the smudge stick to smolder, freeing the smoke to circle in the air. Encircle the object, or window, with smoke while saying out loud or to yourself positive phrases like, “All negative energy must leave and be replaced with positive energy only. Peace, love and happiness will live in this object, brought to life by the light.” Or…whatever you would like to say. The point is this, to get rid of the negative and replace it with the positive. You can research this online and find phrases that perhaps you feel more comfortable with if you can't seem to think of your own phrase right away.

I believe smudging makes a difference but for those of you who think this sounds like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo...think of it this way: "It can't hurt so if you want to "cleanse" my window before you send it to me...go for it."  ;) 

( Here's one of the websites I quoted from for this blog entry.




by Michele L. Mueller on 05/09/12

When I first started collecting old windows I really wasn't concerned with how I was going to keep track of my inventory. Eventually, as my collection began to sprawl more and more,  I started to dread having to page through every window, every time, to find just the right one for my customers. I had to find a solution to #1: How can I keep track of the windows I have and still need?  #2: How can I possibly remember what those windows wAAAy in the back look like? And #3: Is there a way I can help my customers help themselves when designing their custom piece(s)?

The answer: An Online Digital Inventory

To begin with, I arranged my windows in "LOTS". These are "like" windows - so all 2-paned windows, for example, are in LOT 1; All 4-paned windows are in LOT 2, and so on. In other words, these LOTS can be thought of like files in a cabinet.

Next, like files in a cabinet, each file, or LOT, has different folders, or in this case, Window #s (which are actually letters! So, although I have 5 windows that have 2-panes each, those 5 windows are all different sizes. The first 2-paned window in  LOT 1 is "A". The second 2-paned window in LOT 1 is "B"; perhaps there are two exact same size 2-paned windows and both of these become LOT 1 "C", and so on.

The set up for this project was extensive but well worth it. Each window needed to be sorted, measured, photographed, downloaded, edited, posted and published. Now, each window I collect I have to be sure to follow these steps in order to keep my online digital inventory current. My initial intension was to do this every single time I aquired a window but I'm finding that I'm waiting until I have managable groups to do all at once. So, instead of updating my online digital inventory by adding 4 windows, I wait until I can add 24. Is this better? I don't know but it IS easier on me so maybe it IS better. Plus, my husband doesn't have to call in the National Guard after I've disappeared in my window storage for days anymore. ;)

There are so many ways you can organize your windows. The most important thing to keep in mind is finding a way to organize them so YOU understand and remember what you have. Plus, sometimes it's that little window you haven't seen in weeks or months, way in the back, that can inspire you the way no other window seems to at the time.

To be honest, I browse through my online digital inventory more often than I ever thought I would. It's just so much easier because I can look through my windows anytime I feel inspired, day OR night. NO, I'm not going outside at 11:30pm to browse through my window storage - I live in the northwoods...can you say "black BEARS"? ;)

Anyway...that's how I solved my problem of too many windows and not enough brain matter to remember what I had, etc. ;) My solution works for me but it may not work for everyone so if you have any ideas that you want to share or add to this, please feel free to post to my blog. I always love to hear what inspires others.

:)   -Michele

by Michele Mueller, Artist
Hand Painted Window Panes, Chalkboard Windows, Mirrored Windows, (Photo) Memory Windows, 
Barn Quilts, Sage Bundles, Reflection Chains
Panes of Art
"All that was and all that will be began... with a dream." -Lava Girl
Live inspired and create. -Me