Week 1 - Monday
by Michele L. Mueller on 03/23/20Today starts our first full week of "distant learning". I've read so many varying opinions on how to approach this at home as a parent that it's making my head spin. The thoughts have been from a very regimented classroom like structured day to letting their kids learn what they want when they want. I thought last night that I would find a happy medium somewhere in the middle and make it fun. This morning, I've already failed at that. It's not me. It's him! Lol I was doing my best and...without that level of discipline...my kid is staring at the computer, doing every thing else but what we planned on! I can't function like that! I can't make it fun if he won't behave and focus just a little bit! So now, instead of starting off on a good foot we've started off on a bad foot. No, I'm not doing your project for you. No, I'm not cutting out your skeleton pieces - you're 11...you can use scissors. And now...he's in a time-out. He doesn't treat his teachers at school like this! I know this because all his teachers say he's a great kid. For real...no wonder I'm stressed out. I thought today I was going to really get this home learning stuff down...that it was going to be a great start to the week. Come to find out...I was wrong.