"Creativity Can Keep You Healthy"... : IDEAS, THOUGHTS AND THINGS TO INSPIRE US
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"Creativity Can Keep You Healthy"...

by Michele L. Mueller on 02/04/11

When I stopped working my full-time office job that I loved, to become a stay-at-home-mom, after awhile I started to feel that something was missing. Painting has filled that void. It allows me to be creative, to have some "me-time" and to wind down, relax and think about nothing else for that little bit during the day. 

Whether you like to paint, cook, sew, etc., it's important that you try to fit that time in as often as you can. For me, it's a few hours each afternoon; it's amazing what a stress reducer it can be.

Below, I found a great little article on the importance of "creativity"; read through it. I would love to hear about what YOU do to be creative and reduce stress in your life.

Enjoy! http://www.everydayhealth.com/emotional-health/understanding/creativity-productivity-and-leisure.aspx

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by Michele Mueller, Artist
Hand Painted Window Panes, Chalkboard Windows, Mirrored Windows, (Photo) Memory Windows, 
Barn Quilts, Sage Bundles, Reflection Chains
Panes of Art
"All that was and all that will be began... with a dream." -Lava Girl
Live life...be inspired and create. -Me