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Busy Time of Year...

by Michele L. Mueller on 10/17/10

Seems like there's just NOT enough hours in the day this time of year. My husband is home more and more now, as the fishing season comes to an end, our son wants to be outside playing every waking minute, the orders are coming in, one after the other, so I haven't had any time to create a piece to take with me to a show, and I want to get these orders/paintings all completed and shipped/delivered before Christmas. So, I don't expect to get to add any more pieces to my current inventory (which is down to 4 pieces, I think!) until the new year. Hey...that's okay! I'm certainly not complaining...I just wish, probably like everyone else on earth - that there were more hours in the day. ;)

Our 2 year anniversary was last weekend - we traveled around Wisconsin to view the fall colors but most of the leaves were off the trees already. That's okay...we were able to get in some fun activities and the weather was just perfect! Next year, I'd like to spend some time in Bayfield, WI for the Fall Apple Festival - right on the shore of like Superior - I bet I could get a lot of great pictures and ideas for paintings...we'll see...no need to start planning that yet. ;)

Hope everyone is healthy and happy and enjoying autumn! We LOVE this time of year - crunchy leaves, chili on the stove top, campfire outside and lots of warm blankets at night - makes it difficult to get up and on the treadmill early in the a.m! ;) (well...that's MY excuse, anyway. ;)



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by Michele Mueller, Artist
Hand Painted Window Panes, Chalkboard Windows, Mirrored Windows, (Photo) Memory Windows, 
Barn Quilts, Sage Bundles, Reflection Chains
Panes of Art
"All that was and all that will be began... with a dream." -Lava Girl
Live life...be inspired and create. -Me