by Michele L. Mueller on 05/27/12
Look, here's a simple precationary tip...if you're interested in buying an old window, with or without art, no matter what project you might plan to use it for, from me, an antique store or craft/art show...if you see old's probably lead paint. Of course, the weathered and worn look is all the rage but if it's old and chipping please be careful. Don't be afraid to question the seller! If you have children (or people who visit that have children) you certainly don't want an old lead paint chipping window hanging in your home!
All my old window frames, unless I choose to leave them with a natural finish (i.e. NO PAINT), rec'v multiple layers that encapsulates any old paint. My signature frame finish helps to maintain that old and antiqued feel while remaining perfectly safe and acceptable to display anywhere in your home. Bottom line: if you see old chipping paint and/or multiple layers of old paint and someone's boosting how old the window is...question the seller if it's safe your gut instinct. If they seem unaware or avoid answering your questions, TAKE NOTE.
You might do a little research beforehand on what to do with old chipping lead paint window frame before you go off to find that treasure. Or...get the treasure (if you just can't walk away!) THEN do the research. I would recommend keeping the piece in the garage until you can determine your next step.
Be creative but be safe. :)