Are you drawn to a certain animal? : IDEAS, THOUGHTS AND THINGS TO INSPIRE US
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Are you drawn to a certain animal?

by Michele L. Mueller on 01/24/11

Because I love to paint butterflies and some animals, and I also have a nautral curiosity regarding Native American history, etc., I was curious to look into what some of these animals mean, or stand for. In this article listed below, I found my answer.

If you're drawn to a certain animal, check out this article on Native American animal meanings - it's very interesting! It might even provide you with some direction as to something you've been debating on - like...what animal to paint next. ;)


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by Michele Mueller, Artist
Hand Painted Window Panes, Chalkboard Windows, Mirrored Windows, (Photo) Memory Windows, 
Barn Quilts, Sage Bundles, Reflection Chains
Panes of Art
"All that was and all that will be began... with a dream." -Lava Girl
Live inspired and create. -Me